Strategic Armour Solutions is a leading provider of armour products, specializing in the design, production, and distribution of high-quality armour for various applications. We are dedicated to ensuring the highest standards of quality and strive to offer the best armour products in the market.
Strategic Armour Solutions places great emphasis on research and development to stay at the forefront of armour technology. We invest in innovation to address emerging threats and challenges. By utilizing advanced materials, state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques, and incorporating the latest scientific advancements, we deliver armour that provide optimal protection without compromising on comfort and mobility.
In addition to their focus on quality during production, Strategic Armour Solutions conducts thorough testing and certification processes. Our armour undergo rigorous ballistic testing to ensure we meet or exceed industry standards for protection against various ballistic threats. We also subject their products to comprehensive environmental and durability testing to ensure reliability in real-world conditions.
By adhering to these stringent quality control measures and continuously striving for improvement, Strategic Armour Solutions fulfils our promise to provide the best armour products. Our dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction has established us as a trusted and reliable supplier of high-quality armour worldwide.

Armour plates and inserts are rigid components inserted into armour systems to enhance protection against ballistic threats. They are made from materials such as ceramic or synthetic fibres and are designed to absorb and dissipate the energy of incoming projectiles.

Ballistic helmets are protective headgear designed to shield the wearer from ballistic threats such as bullets or fragments. They are made from lightweight materials like Kevlar or high-density polyethylene, providing both ballistic protection and comfort for military, law enforcement, and security personnel.